Human female vagina is a longitudanally stretched S shaped structure . Its average size in unaroused state is 6-10 cm but it gets elongated to about 15-17 cm when aroused . Outer one third has sensory nerve endings , inner two third is almost devoid of any neuronal supply as Women get sexual pleasure from G Spot ( outer third) Clitoris ( vulva ) and labia minora . So there is no point in trying to fully penetrate or hitting the uterus for more sexual pleasure as there are no nerve endings there for sexual pleasure In addition, the vulval opening with vaginal wall is highly stretchable ( It allows delivery of a baby’s head without tear) so easily adjusts according to the girth of penis , It will stretch more if girth is more and vice versa so the grip and the sensation feels the same irrespective of the girth .
Most men are scared to the feeling that they can’t satisfy a woman so they are greedy and want to increase the dimensions of penis . What they don’t understand is that a man with bigger penis can also have serious sex problems , like any other man with a smaller size . Most African Negros have a big size penis as a marker of their race but they too have as many sex problems as asians with smaller penis . People selling sex tonics and cures for increasing size is a farce all over the world ( their is a huge market for such products ) but they can never change the size of an adult penis .
Is it genuinely needed - Some times yes . As in case of hypogonadism when the development of sexual organs are inhibited due to hormonal deficiency . The hormones are checked . This treatment should be taken from a qualified endocrinologist or a qualified sexologist. Improper intake of hormones can harm you
Secondly there is Buried Penis due to obesity . The penis looks very small trapped inside fat on pubic bone . It needs plastic surgery
Thirdly there can be hypospadias with Chordae . The urinary opening is on the underside of corona and the penis is curved down slightly . Surgery can really help them but the urinary opening may get pushed back . That may need another surgery but sex tonics and quack medicines never help
Please don’t waste your hard earned money on increase of penis size until you have one of the problems as mentioned above . Firstly none of them can increase the size and secondly even if the size is big, your sexual pleasure will not increase If the erect size of your penis is 2.5 inches and you can enter vagina nicely, you will have same sex pleasure as with 6 inches or 10 inches . So the minimum size to satisfy a female is 2.5 inches erect penis.
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